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Febrero| 6


otoño Hay películas que siempre me gustarán, pero no sé si es por la misma razón que me gustaron la primera vez o es que ahora me recuerdan quién era y en qué soñaba cuando las vi. Y lloro.

"I have no where to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it. I write it only for myself. And so I will hide it away with all things left unsaid and undone between us".

Nostálgica frase. Nostálgica me siento. Será que simplemente me doy cuenta que mis ojos no las ven igual que antes. Sí, ya no soy la misma de antes.

Escuchando "Time" de Chantal Kreviazuk

Time, where did you go?
Why did you leave me here alone?
Wait, don't go so fast
I'm missing the moments as they pass
Now I've looked in the mirror and the worlds getting clearer
So wait for me this time
I'm down I'm down on my knees I'm begging for all your sympathy
But you (I'm just an illusion) you don't seem to care (I wish that I could)
You humble people everywhere (I don't mean to hurt you)
Now I've looked in the mirror and the worlds getting clearer
I'll take what you give me. Please know that I'm learning
So wait for me this time
I should've know better
I shouldn't have wasted those days
And afternoons and mornings
I threw them all away
Now this is my time
I'm going to make this moment mine.
(I shouldn't have wasted those days)
I'll take what you give me. Please know that I'm learning
I've looked in the mirror
My world's getting clearer
So wait for me this time

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