Ès la festa d'una derrota que moltes persones vam aprofitar per a reivindicar els drets de Catalunya.
El record de la perduda de les llibertats, el dret i les institucions catalanes, però també, l'homenatge a tots aquells que van lluitar pel seu defensa un 11 setembre 1714
A student asked the master for help... does this program run from the
Workbench? The master grabbed the mouse and pointed to an icon. "What is
this?" he asked. The student replied "That's the mouse". The master pressed
control-Amiga-Amiga and hit the student on the head with the Amiga ROM Kernel
-- Amiga Zen Master Peter da Silva
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-- Homer Simpson
Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(annoyed grunt)ocious
tramadol for pain relief Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem
more afraid of life than death.
-- James F. Byrnes
We welcome you, earthdeirdre and earthwheat and earthtree as
honored guests, for you add great power to our ancient song--
planetfungus and planetworm and planetmind sing and play
here, and you are welcome among us.
-- Lady Deirdre Skye,
"Conversations with Planet"
Gràcies, et desig el mateix.
Gracies company per reivindicar la festa també al teu racó. Que tinguis una bona Diada :)
Posted by: Mikel on Septiembre 11, 2003 01:39 AM