Julio 2019
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Archivos por Categorías
Links Sellos
Schematic Records (Florida, USA)
Warp Records(Londres, UK)
Hymen Records(Germany, technoïd & ambient music)
Ant-Zen Records (Lappersdorf, Germany)
Lux Nigra Records (Berlin, Germany)
M-A-S-H (Handthrow,Belgium)
Dross:tik Records(Toronto, Canada)
Breakcore gives me wood (Gent, Belgium )
Drop Bass (Hillsboro, Usa)
Ad Noiseam (Germany)
Planet Mu (Worcester , UK)
Addict Records (usa)
Sonicterror (Enduser)
Accelmuzhik (Osaka , Japan)
Rhinoplex (Pittsburgh, Usa)
Isolaterecords (Burlingame, usa)
Zhark, Hecate label (Basel, Switzerland)
Praxis Records (Basel, Switzerland)
Cock Rock Disco (Jason Forrest label, Berlin)
Kriss Records (Holanda)
Sprengstoff Recordings (Berlin, Germany)
+error (Germany)
8biterror (SKÖVDE, Sweden)
Ambivalence recordz (Brussels, Belgium)
Biophilia (Germany)
City Centre Offices (Berlin, Germany)
Architecture Records (NY, USA)
Dtrash Records (Toronto, Canada)
Formosan Records (Berlin, Germany)
Low Res Records (Detroit, USA)
Phantom noise Records (Leipzig, Germany)
Zod Records (Milwaukee, USA)
Terminal Dusk Records
Kriss Records (Bong-Ra label)
Lowres (Detroit, Usa)
Mirex Records
U-Cover (Belgica, IDM label)
Cold Meat Industry (Suecia, Darkambient label)
Fatal Recordings (Berlin, Atari Teenage Riot MC label)
Links de interes
*Discogs (Completa base de datos artistas, discos, sellos)
*C8 (Dark,sick Music)
*Boomkat (Tienda on-line musica electrónica)
*el megafono (Zaragoza , Spain)
*Ambassador 21 (Minsk, Belarus)
*Society Suckers (Berlin, Germany)
*Aaron Spectre (Berlin, Germany)
*Hearts of Darknesses (Cleveland, Usa)
*Wasted Festival (Berlin, Germany)
*Widerstand.org (Breakcore, politics)
*Infinitewheel (make Dub music)
*Grácia-Territori-Sonor (audiovisual, Barcelona, Spain)
*Oozebap (Biblioteca virtual, music label)
*Venetian Snares (Winnipeg, Canada)
*Breakore Addicts
*I:gor web (Kielce, Poland)
*Otto Von Schirach (Miami, Usa)
*Raggacore (Berlin, Germany)
*Rachel Reupke (audiovisual) (London, England)
*SuburbanTrash (Tienda de discos) (Dresden, Germany)
*istari lasterfahrer (Berlin, Germany)
*sozialistischer-plattenbau , distribuidora(Hamburg, Germany)
* freak-animals "anarchist subculture"(Berlin, Germany)
*Entity (Netlabel de Belgica)
*AZ Rotator (Madrid, España)
*Dope for Digital Revolution "videojockeys" (España)
*Maschinenfest (Aachen, Germany)
*Portal musica industrial(Holanda)
*Netlabels.org Breakcore
*The Flashbulb (USA)
*Exillon (California, USA)
*Roger Rotor , (zurich)
*Cdatakill (Denver, Usa)
*Somatic Responses (Gales, UK)
*Metarc (Belgica, proyecto IDM)
Noizae (myspace, listen tracks)
Day of the Droids "Breakcore Crew" (Barcelona)